a moment to have an application on your computer, or a web page, where you see a warning each time one of your favorite sites update is performed, and thus spare you get into 20 pages in search of novelty.
Well thanks to the feeds that is possible. As I suck
giving here are some definitions that will help you better understand what I mean.
Well thanks to the feeds that is possible. As I suck
giving here are some definitions that will help you better understand what I mean.
feed The word is an anglicized whose original meaning is feed, and that computer jargon usually refers to a data type used to provide information that is updated frequently. It is used to refer to documents formatted RSS or Atom based on XML that allow aggregators collect information from web pages unionized. The feeds usually include headlines or articles, often accompanied by a summary. They are widely used in weblogs or blogs , as well as electronic media. Every day there are more resources that use this system web syndication. [Wikipedia]
How it works
aggregator is required -a tool similar to an e-mail program. Like to receive an email each time that any of the subscriptions have been updated, with the facility that does not involve email. Currently there are several aggregators, some of which can be accessed via online, you must download and install other to make use of them, some are free and others not. [Wikipedia]
Well, once explained above, I will show an aggregator that works like a charm and for me is one of the best I've tasted.
is Netvibes. Is an online service through which we can manage, of the feeds on pages you want, many other things. You can add modules
Time, Flickr photo, a form of videos on Youtube, e-mail module, modules, music, entire web pages, etc.
With Netvibes you can categorize your feeds in different tabs, which can create and define the columns you want.
to this site and do the tour , and see exactly who it is.
Netvibes is Netvibes. Is an online service through which we can manage, of the feeds on pages you want, many other things. You can add modules
Time, Flickr photo, a form of videos on Youtube, e-mail module, modules, music, entire web pages, etc.
With Netvibes you can categorize your feeds in different tabs, which can create and define the columns you want.
to this site and do the tour , and see exactly who it is.
Recently launched a new version introduces many new features, more functionality, more customization, even the possibility of having a public side to share feeds and other modules with other users.
Adding a feed
This I find on the same page, but for that you see how easy it is I'm going to explain.
Netvibes Once registered and logged in your session, you will see that the top is the option "Add Content." Clic on it and a menu will appear to you. After selecionais "Add a subscription" e introducís the web page address to which you want to subscribe. The rest is the intuitive.
I leave a link to my Netvibes public, and I encourage to you and probeis registreis, albeit just the priivada, because public use is not that the truth too.