Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dove Posso Trovare Il Nuovo Doujinshi Dragon Ball

Morse Code & Sexy people

sure you've all heard the SMS tone from a Nokia, if yes, the characteristic, that of lifetime. But surely you have not brought what lies behind those beeps, right?


This tone says "S" "M" "S".
If yes .... and Morse says.

Morse Code, was developed by Alfred Vail while working in 1835 with Samuel Morse in the invention of the electric telegraph. Vail developed a method in which each letter or number was sent individually with a code consisting of dots and dashes, ie telegraphic signals that differ in the duration of active signal. A line has a duration of approximately three times the point. Between each pair of symbols there is no signal with the approximate duration of a point. For the separation of words transmitted on time is five times the point. Morse acknowledged the suitability of this system and patented in conjunction with the electric telegraph. He was known as "American Morse Code" and was used in the first transmission by telegraph.

Here morse codficaciĆ³n table, if anyone wants to check. I have already done:)

other hand, I propose the following descrifreis morse code hidden in a television commercial.
luck to the most daring:

Suppose a "Ti" is a point and a "Ta" a script.


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