Monday, October 27, 2008

Bamboo Adult Film Star

Fujifilm FinePix S5 Pro

is the word, so I have a blog, completely abandoned: S
Well, intet change that:)

And changing the subject ...

Fujifilm FinePix S5 Pro, new purchase:)
Uooooo!! but I was not a Nikon?? Well
want to tell you, I was because I started with Nikon Nikon, but that's not really true, since my first camera was a compact 2 Megapixels, Canon Power Shot A40, which I still like a trophy, for photos of this camera is worth a thousand, estupendísima camera.

ago ... long ago, I posted that was looking at the Nikon D90, a shrimp, but I realized that for example, what was the topic of video ... which is fine, little was going to take, and I do not usually record video, I love it. I take pictures, I do videos.
On the other hand, talking with a friend, photographer, who appreciate his instructions here, convinced me to buy me this one camera, the Fuji S5 Pro. As he often uses Fuji, I thought like everyone always sweeps for your home, or what is used in this case, it would be that, just the chance to Show me what he uses is good and gives good results, but walked wrong, because I was talking to a camera that at first seems a plus, but if it be thoroughly analyzed unique in its field.
It's not the best of the cameras, but + value for price / performance is the very best, much better than the D90, in my opinion.

The Fuji S5 Pro comes equipped with a SuperCCD SR Pro sensor 12 Megapixels, ISO 3200 sensitivity at very low levels of noise and extended dynamic range up to 400%. All this within a solid, professional magnesium alloy.
The similarities with the Nikon D200 are huge, and even more if we consider the case which is Nikon.
shooting speed of the S5 Pro is 3 frames per second, while accepting gusts up to 29 shots in JPEG and 24 RAW, if fired using a standard range, because if we use the extended mode (400%) the speed is 1.5 frames per second.
presents a 2.5 ", although it would be if $%$/&% 3", but good as well and doing well:).
I have already commented on these lines twice the dynamic range to 400%, and you can not let this detail that has caught my attention. The SuperCCD SR Pro sensor is characterized by using two types of photodiodes for each pixel to obtain - the theory goes - best result as far as dynamic range is concerned. Bluntly, we can get more light for areas that general rule we would go dark in our photos. Many

the features of this camera, and you can find what I have already said and more on these two pages:

now I leave you two pictures of what I will in a days, since I have already placed the order, the S5 Pro body with a second battery and an 8GB card on ebay and a handle to fit the camera.

nice "right?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Dove Posso Trovare Il Nuovo Doujinshi Dragon Ball

Morse Code & Sexy people

sure you've all heard the SMS tone from a Nokia, if yes, the characteristic, that of lifetime. But surely you have not brought what lies behind those beeps, right?


This tone says "S" "M" "S".
If yes .... and Morse says.

Morse Code, was developed by Alfred Vail while working in 1835 with Samuel Morse in the invention of the electric telegraph. Vail developed a method in which each letter or number was sent individually with a code consisting of dots and dashes, ie telegraphic signals that differ in the duration of active signal. A line has a duration of approximately three times the point. Between each pair of symbols there is no signal with the approximate duration of a point. For the separation of words transmitted on time is five times the point. Morse acknowledged the suitability of this system and patented in conjunction with the electric telegraph. He was known as "American Morse Code" and was used in the first transmission by telegraph.

Here morse codficación table, if anyone wants to check. I have already done:)

other hand, I propose the following descrifreis morse code hidden in a television commercial.
luck to the most daring:

Suppose a "Ti" is a point and a "Ta" a script.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

How Long And Thick Is A Toilet Paper Roll?

Sexy People, a blog that collects pictures of people on studies and posed in the 70's, 80's and 90's.

Skimming the web and then imagine that you find yourself with people like these on the street, or worse, posing for you .... xDDD hey .. this has given me a few ideas

xDDD Seen:

Is Std Insurance Worth

Nokia Nikon D90 - Soon?

few months ago I'm looking through cameras to see if I find something that really convinces me, but either are not I had expected, or are too "evolved" and therefore expensive for me.
few days ago was published the news of the new Nikon D90, and following specifications and stare at the price I get the feeling that you made for me:)
It is the successor to the D80 but with qualities of the D300 .

As characteristic data:
* Mpxs 12.3 CMOS sensor (DX)
Sensitivity ISO 200-3200, expandable to 6400
* owner EXPEED processor
* video mode to 1280x720 (720p) and 24 fps
* 3''LCD and 920,000 pixels

* Live View * Focus 11, with detection facial
* sensor cleaning system
* Shooting in burst mode up to 4.5 fps
* Optional GPS-GP1 to geopositioning photos

certainly something that if I am concerned both by the sensor, megapixels, for that ISO interesting, but will have to see how it behaves, for that piece of screen, and the issue of video recording ... it is interesting if we put a fish-eye, you imagine? : D You can do things creative.

The price is about (899 €) the body, and there is a body pack plus AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 ED VR for about 1200 €.

is already in U.S. stores yet not arrive here until late September.

I am here to play;)

And to show a button, or buttons better:)

More info

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Steel Head Fishing, Erie

our planet. A small blue dot. Biel Grimalt


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Gotbang In Side,sharp Pain In Rib

- Banyalbufar

Biel Grimalt, esutpendo island photographer, exhibits his work these days Banyalbufar in Banyalbufar showroom along the Clastra of the Barony, opposite the village church. The exhibition
you will find a compilation of their best photographs related to the coastal town of Banyalbufar, located north of the island of Mallorca, near Esporlas.
After the stunning scenery will delight you have the opportunity to see a video projection of his best personal work.

As you pass through the village, I recommend you visit it, and its super degustéis sunset, I did.

And the way the people from Esporlas Banyalbufar, you can watch a green green landscape full of trees and other vegetation, incredible Tramuntana ours.
Personally, I could not resist stopping to halfway and take the place and the company to take some photos.

Christian Email Ending Phrases

study and dinner Afternoon - Albert

A photography studio with Anita and Albert:

Here are a few more that made Anita.

And after dinner we went:)

What Should A Guy Get Tattooed On His Pec

Zena Holloway - Underwater Photography

the incredible work of this photographer London: Zena Holloway

Hallmark Maxine Funny Sayings

Asteroid Impact Simulation

What if an asteroid impacted 500 km of diamerie on our planet?
Well, actually that was the case, but as they say that history always repeats itself, sure it happens again:)

Seen :

Nasal Polyp Removal Patent Nonsurgical

500 km Palma de Mallorca - Panoramic

An Overview of Palma de Mallorca taken from the Bellver Castle:

not seem so big and view our city.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Usb Booster For Mouse Dongle

UFOs - orange dots in the sky of UFOs

Thanks to a reader of this blog, Viper, I put here this video that you can see what I told her about the sighting "UFO." The date recorded is the same in which we witness these orange lights in the sky.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Roger Barret Pink Floyd

Mallorca II - Points oranges Mallorca in the sky

Friday, August 8, 23:50 approximately.

Rápita I am in the in the garden, when suddenly I see an orange dot crossed the starry sky, like a plane by the speed at which he passed, but the color, and intensity of light was not an airplane, size, or at least its light gave off was as if it were a much bigger object, and no lights flashing, so I discarded even more than it were some kind of plane. Nor was any visible wake, or tail, so I discarded that it was a shooting star or meteor.
A few seconds later, after almost disappear completely in the starry horizon, I turned again to the left, where I saw him appear, and I was completely shocked to see appear 5 or 6 points, I was obliged to wake up my Bride to witness what he was witnessing. She, like me, stared at the sky without being able to explain what the hell was that.
The 5 or 6 oranges sailed across the sky following the same path as the previous point, or UFOs in this case, since it was an unidentified flying object.
When these 5 or 6 had almost disappeared UFO appeared another, also following the same path.
not had time to go for the camera, the shock was such that he could not stop staring at the sky, waiting to appear hundreds of these orange dots and come to understand what the hell it was.
When these points disappear on the horizon, they did not like a plane, that is, progressively, but at principle if it was gradual, but then simply disappeared, as if they increased the speed.
Here is a recreation of what we saw, since you can not do any photo.

days later I was browsing through the net and in newspapers in recent days, but I could not find anything about it. What if I have found are several sites you have seen many people said the same phenomenon in recent months in various places on the island of Mallorca, they even have videos uploaded, in which is exactly what we saw.

And I wonder, like everyone else What the hell was that? ", The truth is that wake up my girlfriend and ask her to what it was, he replied:" Look, we are not alone in the universe, "I was excited to say that sentence xD, and was embroidered , as a terrible silence seized the moment as we watched this show.

anyone else has seen something similar? Or know if you can try something from the NASA or something similar?

similar videos and stories

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Can I Get Driclor On Prescription

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Can You Excercize When You Have Eye Erpes

Tele2 scammers

Cuidadito if you receive a call you pay Tele2 preguntandos that the phone + internet and they can offer you the same thing but cheaper phone and we have employed x megs but "digital" they say, is say, if they are not "digital" are not really tell me. And if I see proof that I have only 1 megapixel, which directly serves me.
Well, I answered that I if I have 3 megs, to what I says no, and I again I say yes, and he says no, they aver when I checked, and I said yes, several times also, and I am a computer engineer and that they spoke, what he responds ... ups .. no, do not respond at all, because I hung up, only hear a beep beep beep beep beep , as when someone sees that it has nothing to do, you can not tease you and decides to hang up quickly and move to call another future victim.

Note: Argentine was, as usual, I say this because if you call it, detectais so quickly.

Monday, July 28, 2008

License Plate Renewal Ohio

And we held in the study