Saturday, October 16, 2010

How Long Is Implantation Bleeding

Challenge # 5. The smell of bread. Pan Abraccio.

Well, here we are again baking, after a summer with the oven off, it's time to resume our challenge, and what better day today, world day of bread. Usually publish on Thursday, but this month we could not pass up the opportunity to pay tribute to our unique on a day as prescribed.

I'm not going to tell the story of bread, nor the years that it is prepared, or how important it is in our diet, not that all that you know. The only thing I will say is you to try to make bread at home. You just need water, flour and yeast, you will better or worse, harder or more soft, but what is certain is that you can always eat. And eventually, you'll see that it is not difficult, just takes practice.
This month in charge of choosing recipe has been my dear Elvira. No I have to tell me loved, that I may know a little greedy sure you know what I am. It is also been wonderful to me the recipe, but this ugly to say, a bread soft, tasty ... It's like you're eating a piece of bread and chocolate.
The recipe is from the book by Xavier Barriga, exactly the same but instead of putting pistachios, almonds have set.

Here you can see the loaves of my classmates: Elvira
And I take to see if anyone knows anything about Vanesuki . Not long published, and does not answer our emails, we expect nothing happens. Vanessa, if we read write, we have worried.

base ingredients for the dough:
-500g bread flour 10g
280ml water 15g fresh yeast-
-20g of margarine

black chocolate dough: 400g
-based mass
-80g of black chocolate chips or drops
-20g cocoa powder

For the mass of white chocolate-400g
base-80g of white chocolate chips or drops
-40g almond sprinkles

As we prepare:
I as always, I used the Thermomix, but I used any mixer or by hand. We
in the cup water and margarine, programmed 1 minute, 37 º, Speed \u200b\u200b1.
Add the yeast and whisk to 6 seconds.
Put the flour and salt and knead for 3 minutes on speed spike.
divide the resulting dough into two equal parts, add each ingredient and let ferment for separately and covered with plastic wrap or a damp cloth for about 45 minutes.
flexed the two separate masses in the form of a rectangle with a thickness of 1.5cm or so I always do by eye.
Paint black chocolate layer with water (I just realized that I have not done) and put up the white chocolate. Wind on the two layers together, we are well tight, let rest 15 minutes. With a serrated knife cut portions of two fingers wide, and we are placing on baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
The cover with a damp cloth and let ferment 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 250 º with a pileup with water to create steam. When the rolls have been fermented, the spray with water and bake at 220 degrees for 16-18 minutes. I've had enough with 10.

But the explanation is that it really is, and I assure you they are a perfect snack if you have children at home:)


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