Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Meaning Of Colored Bracelets

Open Kitchen.

'm very, very happy, after months of work, thousands of mails, questions and much effort, we introduce the results of Open Kitchen. Many already have heard of it, but for those who do not know it, I'll explain.
Open Kitchen is an application created recipes iPhone in which a group of bloggers participated English. A pioneering initiative in Spain. Here you can find over 250 recipes from each community, full of memorabilia, rare and cooked with love, they are recipes that have always been prepared at home. Are classified in twelve categories, fun and very original:
In OpenKitchen see a personal introduction of each author in each recipe, telling the origin of this, those introductions are full of emotions, as each account his personal history with that dish. This is capturing my data, each has its own, with a small introduction of what it means for the world of cooking in which we move and we love so much.

Here you can see how recipes are presented, with the personal experience of each author.

Here you have a list of all blogs that we are working on this App recipes, as you will see, I can feel very proud to be surrounded by such good cooks.

Galicia: On my stove
Castilla y León: Sins of Monaguillo
Valencia: At 3 pm
Galicia: yummy recipes
Madrid: Market Calabajío
Andalusia With
Cantabria: Come and taste
Euskadi: Ikea Pirates
The Canary
Castilla la Mancha: fried Webos
Euskadi: The comidad
And of course I do, I represent Murcia.

Open Kitchen The application is now available in App Store , for little more than 1.5 € you can have at your disposal a selection of the best recipes from all corners of Spain.
not more (or less) that the work of a group of people, united by their love of cooking and the desire to do something new.

Thanks to all my colleagues for the patience in computer topics, for being so nice always, to clarify my doubts, for putting up with my mails, for being there. It is a great team!


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