tale of two old lovers: ARCHITECTURE + MUSIC. Rui Sousa Bastos Someone finally summarized my favorite love story:
"The suspicions seem confirmed. The Architecture and Music are lovers. They have shared the same bed forever. and Goethe used to say that architecture is petrified music. Or, conversely, that music is the sound architecture. "
is curious relationship between these two arts. Stravinsky, author of The Rite of Spring , wrote in his Chronicles of my life it is not possible to sharpen the sensation produced by identifying it with music that provokes contemplation of the interplay of architectural forms, Siegfried Wagner, son of Richard of the same name and grandson of Franz Liszt, long ranged between architecture and music. Chose the latter and, realizing the lack of timeliness in his operas, he thought perhaps he had committed a gross error. Or then, chose well, and appreciates architecture, with deference.
Mathematics, faithful companion of music and scientific interpreter of it, knew long incestuous relationship between architecture and music. It was comprehensive. Condescending. Promiscuous, even in the silence of the complaint.
The other arts, including painting, sculpture, literature and even film, the seventh son and much younger than her sisters, shared the basic sciences such as physics and chemistry, the secret adultery. There were few times when they met, in groups of two, three or four, in a separate room and impervious to prying ears, whispering the scandal of betrayal.
greater outrage comes from the literature, which used the domain more-than-perfect a word to throw on the table conversation all confidences known. The sculpture was rarely distracted by comments and, repeatedly, in the contemplation of the beauty of its own forms and majestic presence of their volume, the painting, much of those encounters between pairs, repeated often than not give a damn what passing and only paying attention to color the facts, the film - this - is revealed as the most inventive guesswork and a film was always the relationship between the two arts, or drama, or comedy, in an imaginary succession without limits and full of special effects.
Physics and Chemistry, old friends of Mathematics, sincerely lamented the poor state of the science of sciences. The first, heavily dependent on mathematics and the mania of viceroy of science, appeared adept at a radical solution was using Newton's equations to advocate the use of brute force and put the music in its proper place; Chemistry, more sentimental, spoke only pheromone and aphrodisiac power of some substances which, when well combined, give birth to the most unlikely of love, back wistfully to the days where it was known as alchemy.
Architecture But he had his reasons. No flaunting them, but I knew consciously that she had to relate intimately with all the Arts and Sciences. Cared little stories or those of others. From Vitruvius, with its triad, are used to being the source of all the controversy and I did not care.
know Architecture has always been that nothing would be without the rigor of mathematics, physics and chemistry in the construction of the buildings, nothing would be without the other fine arts in the construction of forms and images, signifying a unique aesthetic, and even poetic.
The organization of space and its elements are not just a work of art or science. Is the result of the harmonious contribution of all these, in a similar manner to the operation of a symphony orchestra.
Promiscuity? NO! Just Architecture.
Source: Atelier de Arquitectura Brasi